Shaw, N.; Cox, R.; Flegee, C.; Sloan, J.; St. John, L. 2008. Native forb selection, seedling establishment, species interactions, and post-fire seedings. In: Shaw, N.; Pellant, M., eds. Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2007 Progress Report. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station: 145–146.

Shaw, N.; Cox, R.; Flegee, C.; Sloan, J.; St. John, L. 2008. Native forb selection, seedling establishment, species interactions, and post-fire seedings. In: Shaw, N.; Pellant, M., eds. Great Basin Native Plant Project: 2007 Progress Report. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station: 145146.