Shock, C.C.; Feibert, E.B.G.; Rivera, A.; Saunders, L.D.; Shaw, N.; Kilkenny, F. 2015. Globemallow seed production is unresponsive to irrigation in a semi-arid environment. In: Shock, C.C., ed. Malheur Experiment Station Annual Report 2014. OSU AES Ext/ CrS152. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University: 247-251.

Shock, C.C.; Feibert, E.B.G.; Rivera, A.; Saunders, L.D.; Shaw, N.; Kilkenny, F. 2015. Globemallow seed production is unresponsive to irrigation in a semi-arid environment. In: Shock, C.C., ed. Malheur Experiment Station Annual Report 2014. OSU AES Ext/ CrS152. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University: 247-251.

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